Petz Image Editing Tips & Tricks!
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:17 pm
What are everyone's favourite tips and tricks for petz image editing? Any resources anyone can share? This includes stamp making too!!
A fan forum for P.F. Magic's Petz games.
Bridge wrote:Does anyone know of a guide or does anyone have any tips on stamp making? Graphics have never been my strong suit (despite wanting to be an artist wtf) but I would like to make some stamps. The answer to this question might be "take a graphic design class", which.valid. Any suggestions on font choices would also be helpful!
Celia wrote:Practice. Lol.
Same advice as any image-making endeavor. Just make a ton. You don't have to show them all or save them all.
Pixel fonts work well but any font that reads well at a small size ia fine. I.e. nothing too ornate.
You definitely don't need to take a graphic design class but I guess if you know literally nothing about color theory or composition it would help to watch a YT video.
But there's something to be said for breaking those rules so..
Harry wrote:In addition to Celias advice, I recommend spying on some massive stamp collections and looking at them to see what you like best. Then, see if you can replicate the techniques with your own twist put on them. Amanda and Megan both have big collections on their sites
You could even try copying a stamp exactly but with your own image if you can't thing of ideas but want to play with techniques. Obvs don't publish those ones, but it's still good practise
Tea wrote:As someone who has never really dabbled in graphic design on any good level lol I started by hand writing the text with a tablet because I could never get tiny fonts to work well
Be the tiny font you want to see in the world
But that’s just with using Krita. If you have photoshop you’ll probably have better luck?
Harry wrote:I use the latest versions of photoshop. There's a setting I just turn on that can make any font pixels, but you still have to play with the size to make it look right. Though, I do find that big text looks better not as pixels (again, look at other people's stamps and work out a preference that way)
Mythic Silence wrote:My biggest dream has always been to be able to draw. I have an art degree and I still can't draw. Sometimes I want to pay for a private tutor to move my hand for me when I can't get it right! I have to have a reference for everything, and I've always wanted to be able to illustrate characters and ideas that don't have a reference for me to look at. But it's all a pipe dream. As for stamps - a few little additions to things already mentioned above..
Most stamps have a background, but you don't see much of it if a pet, object, or text is featured. Sometimes, in my experience, if my stamps are too background heavy, I don't like them as well.
Petz or objects often clip over the edge of the stamp frame too, like they are peeking out. I like to do this since my first stamps didn't (and were background heavy) so they just weren't quite hitting the mark.
Usually (of course not always), stamps have content that is at 100% size, and the positioning of the art itself is such that you can clearly see what it is and convey the message in the small space.
I hope those extra ideas are helpful!
Xoops wrote:I think there's a lot of great advice here and just want to add that little things like outlines, drop shadows, and eye shines make a big difference, so experimenting with those and figuring out how to do them in the program you use would be good to look into as well!
Not to brag.. ok I'm bragging a little maybebut I think my stamp collection is the largest published one? haha so tons of inspo and ideas on there - its obvs image heavy so it takes a bit to load lol
Penny @ Dandy wrote:I think Celia’s advice about readable fonts and Megan’s advice about outlines and eye shines is where it’s at but honestly, all you really need to go to make a cute stamp is take a photo of a pet, at least make sure it stands out against the background, and everything else is just for fun!
Also I really like how you have your cat peeking out/coming out of the border of the stamp!!
Like what Mythic Silence said, I love when it looks like the petz are interacting with the frame… like it’s not just a straight shot centered on their face. It makes it more visually interesting and also cuter!!