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OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:18 pm
by KingHarry
Speed breeding is a chance to challenge your Petz breeding skills! The way it works is very simple:
  1. Go to the OW Roulette wheel and generate a challenge for yourself. If you want to make the challenge easier, allow yourself a single reroll.
  2. Set a timer for an hour. This is how long you have to complete the challenge.
  3. Breed your petz! When the timer runs out, you have to stop.
  4. Post your results 🤩
You can play as many times as you want, but this only counts towards completed challenges for stamps once.

  • We're not going to track your time for you. We trust you to play honestly
  • Follow the challenge you got on the wheel
  • At least one OW must be used. There is no maximum number of OWs
  • Any OWs can be used for any breed
  • No brexing please!
  • If you can remember them, you're encouraged to list the OWs you used!
Good luck and have fun!

Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:24 pm
by entwinedlove
My first roll gave me "Golden Retriever" but I didn't find any OWs in a quick search of my collection or on the OW Masterlist or the Breed Directory, so I spun the wheel a second time. I got "A Great Dane using an OW that affects the texture!" so I chose Reloaded's Vulcan file from the Petz Download section of the Petz Life Discord. To make the breeding more challenging and interesting, I also decided I wanted Sodapup white dali spots from Ginz's Brewery. I aimed for full Great Dane bodies with Dalmatian markings/spots in one slot and Great Dane markings/spots in the other.


My result after an hour was two unrelated 5th gen non-inbred full pedigree dogs, Jiahao and Qiu.



I didn't quite get what I was aiming for with Jiahao. There was probably someone else in his litter that would have fit better, but I was down to the last minutes when choosing him. I had hoped to get three 5th gens, so I have the adoption center pets all adopted and 2nd gen bred, but I didn't get to pick 2nd gens out of that 3rd set, so I'm not including them here. I'll probably finish them up after I post this.

Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:33 pm
by angora
I originally rolled Maine Coon but I don't like working with those textures so I rerolled and got...a Pug with a subtle OW! I decided to breed with Nena's Pug and also the Fairy Barn Dance Boxer OWs, and then various original breeds

I was going for some pug-sized puggy pugs with maybe some cool white markings and retriever tails. I got the size right! They are just a bit plain LOL


Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:46 pm
by Keena

I spun the wheel and got pug + retro OW! I went with the snooker OW, amenity's pug OW and sketchis sheepdog, was going for different ears but this is what I had when the hour was up, a nice pug for the season.

Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 4:12 pm
by lilibet
i did this and here are my results!


queenie's golden with fixed markings, atticus alt spotted dali, and cargo teacup chis because i wanted the scales and ears (yes technically they are a hexing base not an ow, fite me). i did do an illegal brex after this but i won't show you here.

this was a lot of fun i have never used a golden file at all before!

Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:20 am
by xoops
Here is my Speed Breeding result!
I got "A Scottie using two OWs - one that affects the texture, and one that affects the markings!"

OWs Used:
~Mutt (Blue Heeler, for markings)
~Sheepdog (Mottled OW by Buck)
~Dali (my new Dali OW with textured spots)

Love how these turned out, very autumny!

Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:05 am
by Bailey
I did some speed breeding today and got so many cute catz! My challenge was to breed some B&W Shorthairs with an OW I've never used before.


I decided to go with the Aniseed Devon Rex OW (which OWs the cali) since I have adopted some catz with those glorious ears, but never have bred any myself! I also used the Cargo Bicolor B&W Shorthair OW for varied white markings. I have LOTS that I bred from several different pairs, but here are some of my favorites I got:


Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 12:49 am
by SWKManda
I got " Persian using a popular overwrite". I wasn't sure which to use but I ended up using the Persian OW from cargo. (Which now I'm thinking it meant use the persian and another OW but oops) My goal with these were simply to be a smaller scale with calico markings. I bred them with the original Calico and Chinchilla Persian files to achieve this. Behold:


They are 4th gen and non-inbred, which is something I don't normally do because it's more difficult. I think with more time (and inbreeding) I could make these reaaally cute. :lol:

Re: OctOWber '24 Speed Breeding

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:08 am
by Teascape
I got poodle with an OW that affects body shape. So I picked the Relo P4 Mole OW. The mole snout and eyes really add character. The surprise claws and potato body were also a delight!