Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 9:03 pm
Forum Name: woodside
Other Petz Community Names: -
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Anything Else: This is my website! It's actually one of many, many websites I have, but it's the only one I have that's Petz-based! I literally just downloaded the game last night (02/11/25) and put up my website today (02/12/25), but I've wanted to play the Petz games for a long time! I didn't know there was such a dedicated community, but I hope I can manage to fit in with everyone. I'm autistic and have ADHD-I. Finally, you can also call me Archie, but woodside is fine as well.
Other Petz Community Names: -
Other Petz Forums/Discords You're In: -
Anything Else: This is my website! It's actually one of many, many websites I have, but it's the only one I have that's Petz-based! I literally just downloaded the game last night (02/11/25) and put up my website today (02/12/25), but I've wanted to play the Petz games for a long time! I didn't know there was such a dedicated community, but I hope I can manage to fit in with everyone. I'm autistic and have ADHD-I. Finally, you can also call me Archie, but woodside is fine as well.