Name: woodside
Owner Name in Game: woodside
Website: woodside-petz
Description: My personal Petz fansite! Contains my crew, links to adopts, a journal, and more.
Prefix: woodside
Bred Petz Rules
Is renaming okay? Yes
Is gender swapping okay? Yes
Is brexing okay? Yes
What to do if no longer wanted? Please MPA or return to me, woodside.
Are playdates okay? Yes
Etc: If showing, please keep the "woodside" prefix in their show name.
Hexed Petz Rules
Is renaming okay? Yes
Is gender swapping okay? Yes
Is brexing okay? Ask first
What to do if no longer wanted? Please return to me, woodside.
Are playdates okay? Yes
Etc: If showing, please keep the "woodside" prefix in their show name.
Accessories/Other Content Rules
Please do not hotlink my content, instead link back to my website.