🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Twist Tie
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by SWKManda »

Username: SWKManda
Litter name: Little Chonks
Names of the parents: Dandelion x Leaf
Photo of parents:
Photo of the litter (3-5 petz):
OWS used (if any): None
About the litter:
I wanted to create something small and round like a potato, or a pumpkin, with thin legs. You know, something every breeder strives for when breeding catz. All have similar markings while their bodies/faces are slightly different from one another other in some way. I love breeding petz with funny unique body shapes that aren't commonly seen or popular. I just breed for the fun of it to see what happens so at the very least I hope this litter makes someone smile!
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by saddam »

Username: Saddam
Litter name: PB NIB 9th gen Alley Cats
Names of the parents: Collusion x Phantasm
Photo of parents:
Image Image
Photo of the litter (3-5 petz):
Image ImageImageImageImage
OWS used (if any): none
About the litter: I did a project a while back where I wanted the end result to be purebred and non-inbred alley cats carrying as many different eye and coat colours as possible. I also wanted to be able to have kittens both with/without the grey muzzle, and with/without alley markings. The parents of this litter are my 8th gen keepers, and the result of the paring is almost better than I could dream of. I couldn't even fit all the coat colours they produce since it was 5 petz max!
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by JT »

Username: JT
Names of the parents: Cumberland x Taters
Photo of parents:
Photo of the litter (3-5 petz):
OWS used (if any): N/A - none used
About the litter: My all-time favorite breeding pair that I've had since 2003. The parents are alley/tabby/cali mixies with alley SCP, which means really nice variety in their litters! I tried to include a nice overview of the possibilities in my littermate choices! I love the way non-alley heads look on an alley body, and of course a nice alley tail looks good on everything!
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by nebula »

Contest is now closed!

thank you all for entering, submission for entries is now closed.
the judges are deliberating and adding comments for each entry, prepping for the awards ceremony Sunday AEST.

in the meantime, vote now for the People's Choice category, which closes in ~2 days!
You may vote up to 3 votes.

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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by nebula »

A reminder that voting ends today!

(in about 10 hours, Friday 23rd Aug 5pm AEST)
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by nebula »



Welcome to the award presentation for the Petz Life Best of Breeders contest!

After 2 weeks, this competition culminates in this final award ceremony. The judging has concluded & awards have been made, and now it's time to announce the winners! I'd like to thank my fellow judges Becca, Queenie & Hash for the time they have taken to judge the entries & help name the category winners! Instead of simply awarding the category winners tonight, we made the decision to also award runner up places & medals, to better merit members & their litters in face of the amazing calibre of entries.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for ....


The Matching Set Award is awarded the entry whose litter displays a great level of cohesion, the relationship between littermates & parents made clear, whilst each being individually adorable. The winners of this category are ...

πŸ† Lilibet
πŸ₯ˆ Helen

With their matching solid coats your snow white fluffians have taken the top spot for this category, Lilibet! It made the small differences in their eyes only the more special, whilst clearly being a matching set. We loved that you highlighted a less commonly used OW too. Helen, the cohesiveness of your fluffy monochrome cali litter is incredibly pleasing to the eye. Whilst they have different patches, they are all tied together by the gorgeous monochromatic palette of greys, blues & black, their white markings and fluffy tail. Congratulations both of you!



The Lucky Award aims to recognise the pairing that delivers great variation in coat colour, markings, fur type, size or breed features within the litter, with all of the offspring still being adorable when assessed standalone. The recipients of this award are ...

πŸ† Megan
πŸ₯ˆ Bailey

The decision to name the Peace x Void litter felt like an easy one, with each kitten in the litter all having different heads and features to offer in a way that did not feel at all jarring. It is certainly a fun pairing that has thrown out great variety, earning the top spot for this category. Splotch x Imelda's litter was another favourite amongst the judges. We appreciated the different breed parents throwing out kittens that turned out adorable individually, with varied markings & features across all of them (yet their colour palette ties them all together as indication of their relation). A lovely little litter!



The Back to Basic Award is awarded to a litter that highlights the creative combination of original breedfile features in lieu of breed overwrites. As the technicality was not disclosed when the contest began, for the purposes of this contest fixed P5 files were not considered OWs. We are thrilled to bestow these awards to ...

πŸ† Kathleen & SWKManda
πŸ₯ˆ Saddam

P5 breeds deserve their time in the spotlight, and Kathleen's P5 coated velveteens shows the inspired use of various P5 files. Overlaid over the popular velveteen selective breed, this certainly makes for a flashy marketable litter that is hard to resist. Well done! SWKManda's Little Chonks won our hearts with their tiny scales, potato bodies & skinny stick legs. The litter truly embodies the amazing variation in petz that can be bred with just the original files, and it was a pleasure to see them entered. Saddam's PB NIB Alleys were another standaout - that litter encompasses the possibilities able to be achieved within a single breed, testing the boundaries of coat colour variation and eye colour combinations of alleys. It is truly impressive, amazing work!



The Simply Sentimental Award honours the sentimentality and effort behind the bred litter independent of their physical traits, scored differently to the other categories. This could mean a litter from one's companion petz, a particularly big PB NIB project for example that took lots of time and effort. The recipients of the awards are ...

πŸ† JT
πŸ₯ˆ Helen

Cumberland x Taters are certainly a recognisable pair, the fact that JT has had them since 2003 till now is an incredibly endearing element. We all have our favourite breeding pairs and it is a pleasure to have a litter from one of our member's favourites entered into the contest. Helen's Fluffy Monochrome Calis take out yet another category - the amount of effort taken to combine all the desired features of this NIB line & the intentionality earns this very well-deserved win, congratulations!



The Judge's Picks awards are chosen by each judge individually, the unique ribbon awarded to one subjective favourite of ours. The judge's picks for this year's competition are ...


πŸ… Queenie's pick of the competition is Bailey's cali-alley mixed litter!
Splotch x Imelda


πŸ… Hash's pick of the competition is JT's alley mixed litter!
Cumberland x Tater


πŸ… Becca's pick of the competition is Witzy's dali-dachie mixed litter!
Depart x Cable

πŸ… Nebula's pick of the competition is Helen's Fluffy Monochrome cali litter!
Obsidian x Chrome

There was also another fun little opportunity, an extra ribbon was created for my partner to award his personal favourite.


πŸ… Kendell's pick of the competition is SWKManda's Little Chonks!
Dandelion x Leaf

Image ✭ Image ✭ Image ✭ Image ✭ Image


And last but not least ... the much anticipated People's Choice Award. 26 members have cast their votes to determine the people's favourite. The winners of the poll votes are ...


πŸ₯‡ Celia
Celia & and her herding sturdies clearly won the peoples' hearts with 15 votes


πŸ₯ˆ Saddam
Saddam's PB NIB Alleys came in runner up for this category, with a total of 12 votes

Poll Results

A special shoutout to πŸ₯‰ Kathleen, who came in 3rd place, shortly behind Saddam with a total of 11 votes.


initially, i intended to make the special graphics just for the category winners, but have decided instead to make graphics for all the participants! these awards also include ribbons for category wins, judge's picks as well as a participant ribbon. hope everyone enjoys them as a keepsake from this contest β™‘



[ click here for judge's comments ]

the judges have left comments on each & every one of these entries! a huge thank you to Hash, Queenie & Becca for offering their time to give detailed insights on each entry and helping judge each of the categories. it was incredibly difficult deciding winners with all the amazing litters entered!

thank you all for partaking and hope to see you next time!

πŸ† πŸ† πŸ†
Last edited by nebula on Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by Celia »

Ahhhhh this is so cute!! Thank you so much everyone!! And congrats to all the breeders!
Twist Tie
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by mouse »

thank you for the feedback, love all the awards!
thank you to the judges! hope we can do it again!
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by JT »

Thank you so much! <3 Really enjoyed reading through the award ceremony. Congrats to all the winners! Love the graphics too. :)
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Re: 🏆 Best of Breeders - Breeding contest!

Post by saddam »

Thank you guys so much for the feedback and awards! <3
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