Common Errors & Fixes

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Common Errors & Fixes

Post by Celia »

We all run into the same errors from time to time. But we forget how to fix them as it's been so long since the last time we saw them. Here is a collection of the most common errors with Petz games, and how to fix them.

Always make regular backups of your petz and files.

Petz won't open, or loads partially and freezes:
  • Make sure you're running as Administrator.
  • Remove the last thing you installed from the game, whether it's a new pet, toy, clothing item, breed, etc.
  • Remove all user-generated content/DLC from your game. Replace them one by one, checking to see if Petz loads between each.
  • Reset the registry:
    1. Open Regedit (Win+R, type in regedit).
    2. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node
    3. Delete the directory labelled PF.Magic
      ► This resets your game without removing or disturbing any files. Basically just cleans up all your playscenes to put away problematic toys. You'll still need to find and address the problem toy.
Petz loads so freaking slow:
  • Make sure you're running as Administrator.
  • Add your Petz folder as an exception to Windows Security. (full tutorial here)
Fixing Stuck Pregnancies:
  1. In a hex editor, search for the father's name. Go to the "p.f.magicpetzIII" following his name.
  2. Skip backwards 1 byte (the . before p.f.magic), usually a 01 or a 00. The next four bytes are the birthdate. Replace them with 3A 1B 65 61.
    ► That date is October 12 (in reverse byte order). If you need to pick a different date, go here:
    ► Pick a new date, and copy the UNIX Hexadecimal in reverse byte order (each byte is 2 characters).
  3. Use PetzByte to recalculate the checksum.
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Common Errors & Fixes: Addball clothing glitch

Post by Celia »

If you put addball clothing on your pet and something like this happens, your pet may have misnumbered or extra addballz in their file.

Make a backup of your pet before beginning.

To fix it, take a look at the [Add Ball] section of the .pet file. The first ball in the section is 67. Count all the ballz and make a note of the last number. Here we end with ball 90.

Now go down to the [Linez] section. Scroll through slowly and look for linez connecting any ballz higher than 90 (you're looking at the first two numbers in each line). Here we can see some linez using ballz 91 and up to 94.

Simply comment out these extra linez with a ; (only comment out the linez containing the numbers higher than your reference number, here you can see we skipped some because they were 90 or lower)

And try the addball clothing on your pet again.

Thanks Kika and her lovely dane Noname for modeling this problem for us. ♥
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