How to Track Show Points Across Multiple Spaces

Guides for posing petz.
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How to Track Show Points Across Multiple Spaces

Post by thor »

So for me personally, tracking points is kind of what stops me from showing when I have a backlog of petz I have to add to spreadsheets/showrooms/etc.

I wanted to make a guide to help folks with how to track points in various spaces.

In Proboards spaces (RKC, WW, etc.), I use the Bookmarks feature. At the top of the thread, you'll see "Actions" and from that drop down menu, select: Bookmark when you join or host a new show. And then when its judged, you can use the Bookmarks page (found at the top between Search and Members).

Is there a similar feature for phpBB so I can add it to the guides??

And finally, if you use Petz Show Club, I wrote a tutorial for that found here: ... sp=sharing

You can use the function $listshows to see all the non-judged shows! It tells you how many entries are in the show, if you've put a pet in the show, and if you're the judge of the show:

You can easily use Petz Show Companion by clicking the edit tool when you add a placing:
And adding the points to one of the placings:

Or if you want to use a spreadsheet because you want to track the points and the placing:
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